Sheffield Transformed Festival 2024 Announced.
Join us for a weekend festival of left-wing politics and culture! BUY TICKETS HERE.
Sheffield Transformed is hosting our first ever weekend festival from Friday 19th - Sunday 21st July 2024 at SADACCA, 48 Wicker, S3 8JB.
The festival will give people the chance to hear new ideas, take part in discussion, receive training, enjoy art, and be creative. The programme will cover local, national and international issues and provide a space for radical, collaborative and creative political education.
Festival Programme
We'll kick things off with a launch event on Friday. Then, over the weekend, two or three sessions will run simultaneously, covering a broad range of topics. Sessions will represent the exciting political activism that takes place in South Yorkshire with formats that encourage participation, e.g. panel discussion, workshop, craft activity, music, etc. We'll also be having a party on the Saturday night!
To allow as many people as possible to help shape the festival, we've launched an open call for session proposals and would love to hear your ideas. If you'd like to contribute to the festival programme then please let us know by completing this form.
We are looking for a group of volunteers to help us promote and run the festival - everything from tech support to stewards, wellbeing leads to social media support. Our volunteer signup form will be available soon, in the meantime please email us on if you would like to help in any way.
Ticket Pricing
We want as many as people as possible to attend the festival and don't want ticket prices to be a barrier. At the same time, we need to raise enough money to cover costs, such as hiring the venue. We've put together a sliding scale of ticket prices so that we can raise the money we need, without pricing anyone out.
When booking a place, we would ask that you select the ticket that you can afford:
General Admission: This is what our budget says we need to charge to cover the event.
Solidarity: If you are comfortable and have a decent income, please consider paying a little more.
Low Income: For people on lower incomes who cannot afford the full ticket price.
No Charge: For people who have no disposable income at all.
Thank you to the Lipman-Miliband Trust for generously supporting this event.
Sheffield Transformed is a group of socialists and trade unionists wanting to bring political education to Sheffield through discussion, debate, arts, and culture. The group is entirely volunteer-run and has already organised events on land justice, police brutality and the history of workers’ struggles.
To stay up-to-date with all of our future events, sign up to our mailing list.
SADACCA, 48 Wicker, Sheffield, S3 8JB