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Readings of Protest. Launch of new book: Charged - How the Police Try to Suppress Protest.

  • La Biblioteka 61 Eyre Lane Sheffield, England, S1 3GF United Kingdom (map)
Book cover of Charged: How the police try to suppress protest by Matt Foot and Morag Livingstone.

Readings of Protest. Launch of new book: Charged - How the Police Try to Suppress Protest. With activists and the authors.

Come and hear protesters from across four decades give readings of what they fought for and how their protests were policed.

The UK government’s efforts to suppress dissent in the pursuit of power have given a green light to police to apply more aggressive tactics in managing crowds and protests. The results have provoked violence and even led to officers breaking the law.

The authors of Charged, Matt Foot and Morag Livingstone reveal that in 1983 a Tory home secretary secretly sanctioned police paramilitary powers, leading 40 years later to a Police Act which seeks to extinguish any effective protest.

Join activists and organisers from Sheffield and beyond who come together to share their experiences fighting for their jobs, the environment, education and against racism. Giving us insight into their experiences the activists will connect their own struggle to the policing of protest.

Including activists from:

Warrington Printers dispute 1983
The Great Miners’ strike 1984/5 - Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign (OTJC) / Women against Pit Closures
The Rotherham 12 who defended their community against racist thugs
Environmental and global justice activist
Student activist / Disabled People Against Cuts.

Chaired by local activist, Chris Peace.

Book your place:
Free with suggested £5 contribution to the OTJC.

7pm, 18th October 2022

Kommune / La Biblioteka, Castle House, Sheffield S3 8LN

Hosted by: Sheffield Transformed / Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign.

Charged How the Police Try to Suppress Protest by Matt Foot and Morag Livingstone (Verso 2022)

“Brilliantly readable, it carries you with it every step of the way. One forgets how frightening authority is and the detail on police behaviour is dreadfully shocking and distressing. It never assumes what you might believe or what you might already know and at the end leaves the reader in no doubt as to what has happened in this country.”
– Emma Thompson, actor and activist

“Meticulously details violent state suppression in the protection of capital; backed by a propaganda machine. Exposed is the unofficial but permanent government with sharp attention to every detail. This is a story of how justice has been repeatedly stolen in this ruthless war against the right to protest. Read every word because you are holding history in your hands. Our history.”
– Lowkey, rapper and activist

“When you read Charged, you will see ours is one of many struggles, past and present.”
– Chris Peace, Tribune

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